Useful Articles
While some feel that living at home is no longer an option due to ill health, many older people would prefer to remain in their own homes for as long as possible and quality of life can be enhanced this way. When parents and loved ones get older and become less able to care for themselves properly, it can be difficult to decide what’s best for them. More>>
Burnout is a devastating experience that can make you feel that you are falling deeper and deeper into a black hole with no hope of stopping the descent. Once the descent begins both you and the person you are caring for begin to suffer. It will interfere with your ability to function, raising the risk of chronic depression and other mental and physical ailments. Caregiver burnout is a major cause of placements of loved ones in Nursing and Care homes. More>>
Talking to parents about home care sooner rather than later can be a good step to take, early intervention can mean you avoid more serious issues… It can be difficult talking to parents about home care, especially if they are the fiercely independent type, or still feel like an 18 year old inside. More>>
Many people are afraid to discuss changes they may be noticing in either their own or someone else’s behavior. There can be confusion about whether such changes are due to normal aging or due to the onset of a disease. This document describes common symptoms of dementia; the evaluation that determines the cause and diagnosis; and explains different types of dementia. More>>
BATHING, DRESSING & GROOMING TIPS - Alzheimer's Caregiving
At some point, people with Alzheimer’s disease will need help bathing, combing their hair, brushing their teeth, and getting dressed. Because these are private activities, people may not want help. They may feel embarrassed about being naked in front of caregivers. They also may feel angry about not being able to care for themselves. These suggestions may help with everyday care. More>>
Doing things we enjoy gives us pleasure and adds meaning to our lives. People with Alzheimer's disease need to be active and do things they enjoy. However, don't expect too much. It's not easy for them to plan their days and do different tasks. People with Alzheimer's may have trouble deciding what to do each day, which could make them fearful and worried or quiet and withdrawn, or they may have trouble starting tasks. Remember, the person is not being lazy. He or she might need help organizing the day or doing an activity. More>>
There’s no place like home - and sometimes it seems like there’s no place safer. For seniors, however, the home is where many injuries occur, and most of these are due to falls. Changes that are part of the normal aging process, such as declining vision, hearing, sense of touch or smell and bone density can increase the risk of injury. Injuries can also be more of a problem for seniors because, as the body ages, it takes longer to heal and recover from injury. More>>
You might think that “accidents just happen” and that nothing can really be done to prevent them. Not so. By taking some simple measures, you can considerably reduce your chances of being injured at home. It’s a matter of knowing what the potential hazards are, taking precautions and making adjustments. These changes can make a big difference! More>>
As our parents grow older, it is only natural that their memory may not be as it once was, concentration is lost now and then, and that they may become more frail. It's vital to be able to spot signs that your elderly parents need help... More>>